Sunday, October 16, 2005

What's a Good Company? (Part 2)

Felt like adding on to the previous post after reading some recent posts on a blog run by a bunch of ex-colleagues.

Somehow, in this place that I worked for five years, we all managed to develop genuine deep friendships that carried on even after we left. The first thing that I noticed is that everyone laments how they never find that kind of friendship in all the places that they've worked for (with the exception of one or two :) ).

The second thing I noticed was how most people said that their career actually went backwards after they left. This made me wonder - what happened to all the great IT companies in Malaysia? Aren't there any? I know writing software is a difficult and risky business, but surely someone somewhere would have made it, especially with Microsoft based development tools?

Ultimately, in this business, its the people that make up the place that really matters, and no company that I currently know of is savvy enough to realize that. They may SAY they do, but they probably don't MEAN it.


Jyon 11:49 am  

i really miss those who have left...

forestfyre 5:00 pm  

My career actually went forward after I have left, as things are getting better in terms of career advancement and $$$. Thanks to the 'training' I obtained from IITC, and of course, the opportunities that I have received from my superior, especially from you Ling. Else, I wouldn't have survived.

I do agree with you on your last paragraph. Companies nowadays do not know how to appreciated their staffs. Only when the staffs decide to leave then they 'claim' they will do something. Wouldn't that be a bit too late? Wouldn't that sound a bit insincere too?

Will be joining a MNC soon. Let's see if the environment there is anything better... ;)

Jyon 10:17 pm  

yes. they claim that they will do something. but they never get anything done.

somehow i notice, the boss being such a "DA" in many ways, cant seem to get anything done anytime.

i am so sure they will remain the same for many more years to come.

imagine how many have left and ppl are still continuing the "tradition".

so, do u think they did something?


Pat 3:19 am  

Maybe its easy for me to throw stones as an employee :)

You guys should read the Mini Microsoft blog, you will see Microsoft is not that different from where we came from!

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