The "IF" Tag
Ann tagged me to do this last week, but was pretty tired from work the whole week and couldn't rack my brains properly to come up with the five "IF"'s.
Anyway, I finally sat down to think about it this evening and, yes, I did manage to come up with five "IF"'s. So, here we go:-
First "IF": If I had passed my SAM exams at Taylor's College like I was supposed to, I would have ended up in Australia. And as a result would have probably known a totally different set of people. I suspect my worldview would also have been affected. And last but not least, it would also have affected my second "IF below.
Second "IF": If I had not accepted an invitation by a uni friend to attend a retreat at Peace Haven (Genting), I would not have ended up in my current church, which was where I met my wife, made a lot of close friends and brought me closer to Him. At the retreat, I met someone who invited me to join my current church. This second "IF" was only possible because I ended up going to UK for my studies, which was where I met the uni friend who invited me to the retreat :)
Third "IF": If I had not joined my first company, I would not be doing what I'm doing today. At my first company, I met someone from a software vendor company, who later invited me to join him when he moved on to another vendor. Through that second company I was asked to do project management, and also met my "sifu" who taught me what really needed to know in order to do my job well. As a result, I was able to move to better jobs.
Fourth "IF": If my wife had not decided to switch church eight years ago, I would not have met her and ..... you know the rest :)
Fifth "IF": If my auntie had not saved me from drowning more than twenty years ago, you would not be reading this post.