Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bitter Lotus (苦心莲)

Way back when I was in Form 1, there was this Taiwanese TV series called Bitter Lotus. It was basically a remake of the popular Japanese TV series Oshin.

I can't remember whether I saw it on RTM2 (no TV3 for Sarawak folks back then), or was it on video. But I do remember my grandma getting all excited about the way life was depicted in the series. She would point out that this was the way things were in China when they were young, and never stopped reminding us on how lucky we are.

Being young then (and not to mention well-fed and well taken care of), I used to feel quite resentful whenever she did that.

But many years later (2006 to be exact), when I went back to visit my grandfather's birthplace, I found out how close to the truth the TV series was. Life IS really hard in the remote villages in China, despite the economic boom in the cities.

Anyway, another reason why the series stayed in my memory was the theme song, which was quite sweet and haunting at the same time. You can hear the song below:

For those who know Mandarin, here are the lyrics:


春光明媚 秋氣(風)爽


Ann 11:15 am went to CHINA ??

that was the first thought that stike me...sorry !!

but it is good indeed to trace back our roots. makes us feel blessed indeed for the life we have now!

Anonymous 1:38 pm  

koo sin lian, i remember it! every episode there was always some one crying in it, usually the grandmother pining for her.

Heroes 3:05 pm  

yeah i loved to watch it in early 80s and cry together with 苦心莲. :-D Do you know who play the role of 苦心莲 in the movie? It's 苏慧伦, the famous Taiwan lady singer who sing the "Lemon Tree" chinese version song.

Ivy 9:03 am  

The series was on TV, we didn't have a video player at home till I started working, that's why I'm sure it was played on TV.

Anonymous 10:23 pm  

Hi Pat, Thanks for the posting. I thought about 苦心莲 some time ago, and was searching through the net for some information. I was simply overjoyed when I saw your blog and also the theme song! Gosh...I have been trying to look for the theme song for ages! Do you think you can perhaps send me a copy?

Apparently, the 苏慧伦 (the child actress) who acted as 心莲 was a different 苏慧伦 (the singer) who sang 'lemon tree'. They shared the same name but are two different people. The child actress 苏慧伦 is already a lawyer in New York, and have left acting after 苦心莲.


LF 9:05 pm  

i remember this show...

it was heart wrenching. and my mum told me thats the reason why ppl shud not name their dotters "ah lian"... the poor girl will be curse to a life of bitterness... cos inside every lotus seed (lian tse) lies the bitter heart.

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