Sunday, December 02, 2007

Reusable Shopping Bags

I was in Tesco Puchong a month ago, when I noticed that they were selling reusable shopping bags. The deal goes something like this - you buy a bag for RM 0.99, and you're supposed to use it for your future shopping at Tesco's instead of the usual plastic bags. When the bag gets damaged, you can actually get it exchanged for a new one, at no cost. Better yet, you can keep doing so for life!

I was quite excited and immediately bought one. My wife was not too keen, though. What are you gonna use to store the baby's diapers soiled with poo poo and for your dustbin linings, she asked. She had a point, we do reuse the normal plastic bags to store trash. But I reasoned with her that we don't usually use that many, if we can reduce our use of plastic bags we could make our own little difference to the environment.

Anyway, the first time I used it, I got curious stares. An elderly couple behind me in the queue asked me about it. The funniest thing was, the cashier totally ignored it and proceeded to put my groceries in the usual plastic bags. When I told her I wanted them in the reusable bag instead, she looked confused for a second, then obliged. I guess Tesco had not trained their staff yet on the bag.

Unfortunately, so far that was the last time I used it. I leave it on a shelf near the front door, but invariably I'll forget to grab it whenever I go shopping. Now I am planning to leave it in the car. Hopefully, I'll remember to grab it when I get out of the car at Tesco! :) I guess new habits need to be formed in order to use the bag effectively, which is why although I do see some people buying those bags, I seldom see them actually being used.


Anonymous 11:53 pm  

haha i saw the bag at tesco last week. good idea but like u said, ppl won't remember to bring it. maybe tesco shd give the option for shoppers to use plastic or paper...

Heroes 7:01 pm  

Hey Pat, you brought me back of recalling a long stored memory in my memory bank....

It was back in 2002, when i was attending my sister wedding in Germany. One day, after the wedding, we were going to do some shopping for food and drinks. My sister asked me to take a big nylon bag and some empty drink bottles. I was wondering what's that for??? My sister explained to me that the shop in Germany didn't provide plastic bag and as for the empty bottles, we could exchange for some money and used it to buy some more drinks......

In fact, in all the europe countries, they have started to practice this long time ago....

Maybe in the near future, Malaysia should have to practice this.....

Ann 4:06 pm  

Hmmm....what with baby and all, it would take alot of discipline to remember to take the tesco bag as well.

Good start though...our actions are after all what our children's actions will be!

Though agree also with your wife's point about the "poo poo"!

mygreatbuds 10:55 pm  

Malaysia already started this but not all Malaysian wanted to do it...except if the Govt force it.

Like in Sibu, when the local council forces the people to have proper dustbin and set the time for collection by advising them that their waste will not be collected if they dont do so...everybody complied.

Must learn from Singapore...

William 9:43 am  

The reusable plastic bags are very comment in Australia and I believe more than half the shoppers used them. They normally bring 5 or 6 of this bags out for shopping.

I myself is not using it. I still need the plastic bag for the rubbish.

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